Get in Touch
Steve Carroll CITP Ceng

Project Management Consultant

Build an effective project & programme management capability that is perfectly suited to your organisation, regardless of size.

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    PMO Process Design

    Your organisation needs just enough project process to be successful. Too much process is as much a problem as too little. My approach avoids cumbersome processes and bureaucracy and implements a fit-for-purpose process, perfectly suited to your needs.

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    PM Training & Coaching

    Project Management is an essential business skill. My approach creates a cultural capability throughout the organisation in parallel with training and coaching critical Project Management skills to those that need them.

About Me

25 Years of Project Excellence

A successful, innovative and commercially-astute Project and Programme Management Consultant, Trainer and Coach. I have spent over 25 years in project roles culminating in building and leading highly successful PMO departments. I use extensive experience and diverse insights to help organisations transform their Project capability by applying my unique principles:

  • Treat Project Management as an essential business skill
  • Focus on the mindset and behaviours of excellent project delivery
  • Use ‘just enough’ process to simply work and work simply
  • Develop an organisational culture of project success over pockets of proficiency
More About Me

About My Approach

  • Process Design

    I can perform a review of your needs, challenges, current processes and tools to identify a target project framework which is fit-for-purpose, delivering just what you need without being cumbersome or overly bureaucratic. From a simple review of existing tools to a full Project Management Maturity Assessment.

  • PMO Implementation / Improvement

    Whether you have an existing project process or are starting from scratch, I can transform your ability to deliver change. We will keep what works and streamline or replace what doesn’t. The key is to implement a process that rewards compliance and fosters a culture of consistently effective, visible project delivery.

  • Project Tool Selection

    Project success and consistency is underpinned by effective tools. From spreadsheets and document templates to integrated Project and Portfolio Management systems (PPM) I can help capture your requirements and select a cost-effective solution to match your growing project capability.

  • Project Management as an Essential Skill

    The most effective way to transform your project performance is to ensure that all those involved in your projects have a basic understanding of what project management is. Short, highly effective Project Management Awareness sessions bring colleagues from across your organisation together to learn how to play their part in projects effectively.

  • Focused Project Skills Training

    Project Managers need to develop a range of specialist skills and behaviours. From Scheduling to Stakeholder Management, Resource Planning to Risk Management, I deliver a range of focussed, highly effective training sessions aimed at empowering your Project Managers to get the best possible results from their project teams.

  • On-the-Job PM Coaching

    Working closely with a Project Manager, or dropping in to Projects to help put the Project Manager’s training into practice in a real-world scenario is ideal for consolidating learning and accelerates the individual Learners’ growth and development


25 Years of Project Excellence

As a Project Manager I delivered scores of time-sensitive and business critical projects across a broad range of global businesses. As a Head of Project & Programme Office I oversaw extensive portfolios of change, coached hundreds of successful Managers in project management and developed fit-for-purpose project processes that led to huge corporate successes. I offer my diverse range of project and learning experiences to enable my clients to maximise their project performance.

  • Steve developed a Project Management Process for CollectivFood that is the perfect fit for our small but rapidly growing business. We now have an easy to use project toolkit that provides visibility and control over our critical change agenda backed up by some really excellent PM training for our colleagues across the business.

    Lucas Dawe VP Supply Chain and Performance,
    CollectivFood Ltd
  • Working with you has resulted in the most comprehensive and transformational learning system run to date at EMF. Your experience alongside the way you approach your work has made working with you a joy.

    Jules Hayward Organisational Learning Lead,
    Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Project Management Insights

Explore my range of Project Management resources. There are short coaching videos for Project Managers, PMO insights for organisations and recordings of previous webinars and talks on the subject of improving project capability.

  • 8 Sept 2023

    Getting the Most From Project Meetings

    Regular project reviews, check-ins or, more accurately Checkpoint Meetings are vital to project control. They enable the Project Manager to steer the project journey along the most effective route, reacting to the bumps, issues, mistakes and opportunities along the way.

    Watch Video
  • 26 Oct 2023

    Avoid Pitfalls When Buying Project Management Software

    There are many Project Management tools and suites available now, offering a single solution to storing project information, managing resources, providing reporting and visibility and increasing collaboration throughout your project teams. This is a good thing! There is a risk though...

    Watch Video
  • 15 Nov 2024

    EMF Using a Range of Training Formats

    Learning and development is a personal journey! This year I have had the pleasure of working with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to design and deliver a Project Management Learning Programme that combines classroom teaching, remote teaching, on-demand video and on-the-job coaching. In this short video Operation Learning Lead Jules Hayward describes how successful this approach has been for EMF's learners around the world.

    Watch Video
Featured Service

Project Management Training

Designed to develop the mindset, behaviours and skills that underpin excellent project delivery, these are some of the courses that I have developed to provide a well-rounded, efficient project delivery capability for my clients. All courses can be tailored to use examples and terminology that is relevant to your organisation.

About Project Training
  • Organisational Education

    True project success comes from a culture of good project delivery that extends far beyond the Project Managers themselves. Introduction to Project Management is aimed at everyone who plays a role in your projects, whatever their role or seniority. Once Project Management is an essential skill, all projects are given the best possible chance of success.

  • Project Manager Skills

    A series of deep-dive, focussed skills development courses that empowers Project Managers to rapidly increase their project planning and control skills. Project Scheduling, Risk Management and Project Checkpointing are popular sessions.

  • On-the-job Coaching

    Working with, and assisting Project Managers in their real-world projects is a highly effective way of consolidating their skills quickly. This can be achieved in a variety of ways including 1-on-1 coaching and scheduled PM drop-in surgeries.

  • PMO skills

    Excellent project delivery increases the control and visibility an organisation has over its entire change portfolio and streamlines the way it plans and allocates its precious resources. I regularly coach and advise my clients on how they can get the most out of their growing Project Management Office (PMO) capability. Typical topics are implementing Project Approval frameworks and Resource Management processes and tools.

Contact Us

Get in Touch

Want to work with me? I'd love to hear from you! Please find all appropriate contact information below. Alternatively, use the form to send a message straight to my inbox. I aim to get round all enquiries within 48 hours, at most.

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